Reverse Mortgage Professional: Where’s That Spark?

Over the years of having the pleasure of working with reverse mortgage professionals, one of my favorite things to witness is when a person “gets it”, when you can see that spark, feel their passion, share their conviction.
I cut my teeth in the traditional/forward mortgage space, and grew into the reverse mortgage space. I worked alongside full-timers, part-timers, and some that pretended to work. I worked alongside veterans and rookies, top producers and non-producers. I worked hand-in-hand with Sales, Operations, Marketing, and Executive Leadership. Those who I enjoyed most, and took encouragement from, were those with a distinct drive, even a passion, for their work.
Sometimes this passion is fueled by opportunity. Said another way, it could be attributed to financial gains or career growth. Sometimes it is the enjoyment of building something, growing a business, establishing a reputation, filling a pipeline. Not everyone is wired that way, and many who simply chase the money flake out or burn out. I saw this often in the traditional mortgage space, and have seen it in the reverse mortgage space as well.
The sustainable passion, the spark that I see passed along, to homeowners and to other professionals, is one derived from a sincere care of the homeowner. This exists throughout the mortgage industry, but the reverse mortgage space holds a special place for this. It is important to note, a spark is what causes me to share something with you, something I’ve enjoyed, find of value, and/or believe you also would benefit from. People do it with a good book, movie, restaurant, stock, advice, etc. When it is authentic, people often will willingly listen to you as you share with them. When forced or fake, people quickly see through it.
So, why talk through this? What’s the point? Well, I believe that reverse mortgage professionals are some of the most passionate and convicted individuals I’ve come to meet. They don’t all know how to show that passion, or share that spark, but it is there and has shown itself at least a few times with each individual. In roles I’ve held, I have had the pleasure of teaching and evangelizing reverse mortgages to homeowners, trusted advisers, and mortgage professionals. In that process, I love the moment when “the light turns on”, when the spark first shows itself. To me, that is when potential is first seen by the eyes of the listener.
Today, we still need that spark. We need that conviction that the reverse mortgage is a good solution for the right homeowner, and the right situation. In contrast, it is the wrong solution for some, and we never shy away from that. We need to be reminded of this passion, that through this product we can help the lives of senior homeowners and their families, that it has already helped many, and with continued product refinement we will use it to help many more. We need to remind ourselves, our colleagues, our competitors, our referral sources, and anyone else who will listen, that we enjoy helping people in this way. We sincerely care for the senior homeowner, and have something we believe may help their situation, today or at some point in the future.
Now, fluff and Kool-Aid aside, we still have to work…but let this passion, this spark, allow you to work harder, be more effective, spend your time more wisely, and help more people. We will all benefit from this effort as we continue to move forward. Do you remember when you first learned about reverse mortgages, how it could help a senior homeowner? Did you at least ask yourself once, “is this too good to be true”? Reignite your passion, share that spark.
As always, I’d welcome the opportunity to speak, compare notes, and grow your business.
Kirk O’Connor – – 512.221.4735